Our sponsorship of children

Depuis près de trois ans maintenant, nous agissons en Amazonie équatorienne à travers divers projets.

La plupart, grâce à votre aide, fonctionnent bien. Et nous en sommes très fiers.

Il nous a été suggéré il y a quelques temps de nous lancer dans le parrainage d’enfants. A cette époque cela nous semblait plutôt compliqué car nous n’avions pas assez de bénévoles. Aujourd’hui, grâce à la magnifique équipe que nous avons réunie en France et sur place, nous souhaiterions nous lancer dans cette nouvelle aventure solidaire.

From the beginning, we see kids conditions and try to help how we can. Unfortunately, we are too small to help every child tat we see everyday not attending school for lack of uniform, school material or parents resources. Kids, walking around communities barefoot, without underwear, sometimes naked. Starved kids, even her in Ecuador, supposed to be a developing country.

Sponsorship will not change their life, as many claim but, but with the help of a sponsor we can improve a bit their daily life. Because children are always the first victims of poverty and adults mediocrity. We would like to show them that there is still hope for a better future.

Our sponsorship conditions.

  • First of all, as it always was our base principle, we expect a real exchange between a sponsor and his/her sponsored kid. The sponsor is always invited to visit his/her sponsored kid, whenever he wish it. Those exchanges will be through pictures, videos, drawings, emails from both sides.
  • A sponsorship is for a minimum of one year. Otherwise no link can be created. Moreover it allows to the sponsor to see the kid evolution, thanks to his/her help.
  • A minimum sponsor of €15 by month is requested to help a deprived child.
    Why €15 minimum? Ecuadorian currency is the dollar. Clothing coasts are almost as expensive as in France. So €15 is the minimum, that we can offer, if we want that your contribution may really help.
  • The sponsor has to be a member of the association Patou Solidarité. Register here.

Patou Solidarité commitments

  • We commit to send pictures, videos, drawings, emails from the sponsored child to allow the creation of a relation between the sponsor and the child.
  • We commit to give all expends receipts of the sponsored child simply with a written request.
  • Patou Solidarité commits to manage itself the money you give, in order to ensure that your donation is wholly expended for the sponsored kid. Clothing and supplies will be bought with the child by the voluntary staff.

Parents conditions

  • Initial and essential condition: the child has to attend school !

As always we wish a real transparency but mostly a real trust between the future sponsors and us, in order to continue to help improving those kids’ life.

We count on you, they count on you: sponsor a child now!!!